Dynamic portfolios now available on FirstChoice

26 June 2022
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We’re pleased to announce that as of today, the AZ Sestante Dynamic Portfolios are now available as managed accounts through the Colonial First State’s FirstChoice platform. These five new portfolio offerings on CFS are in addition to the current options available through HUB24, Macquarie Wrap, BT Panorama, and Netwealth. Now you can access more of Sestante’s signature dynamic portfolios through your preferred platform of choice.

There are five new portfolios available with the standard risk profiles. These options are available through CFS Wholesale Personal Super and Pension.

  1. CFS AZ Sestante Dynamic Conservative Portfolio
  2. CFS AZ Sestante Dynamic Moderately Conservative Portfolio
  3. CFS AZ Sestante Dynamic Balanced Portfolio
  4. CFS AZ Sestante Dynamic Growth Portfolio
  5. CFS AZ Sestante Dynamic High Growth Portfolio

Please note these options are not available through Firstchoice Wholesale Investments.


Target Asset Allocation of the new portfolio ranges is defined by the Trustee of Firstchoice. We then apply Sestante’s dynamic asset allocations to construct each portfolio. For more information on asset allocation, take a look at these two documents:

Dynamic Asset Allocation document
Initial Portfolio Composition document


The estimated cost for each of the options including administration, investment, and performance fees listed below:

CFS AZ Sestante Dynamic Conservative Portfolio – Super: 0.76%
CFS AZ Sestante Dynamic Conservative Portfolio – Pension: 0.76%
CFS AZ Sestante Dynamic Moderate Portfolio – Super: 0.88%
CFS AZ Sestante Dynamic Moderate Portfolio – Pension: 0.88%
CFS AZ Sestante Dynamic Balanced Portfolio – Super: 0.94%
CFS AZ Sestante Dynamic Balanced Portfolio – Pension: 0.94%
CFS AZ Sestante Dynamic Growth Portfolio – Super: 1.08%
CFS AZ Sestante Dynamic Growth Portfolio – Pension: 1.09%
CFS AZ Sestante Dynamic High Growth Portfolio – Super: 1.15%
CFS AZ Sestante Dynamic High Growth Portfolio – Pension: 1.16%