Sestante Conservative Index Portfolio


The Sestante Conservative Index Portfolio is a multi-asset managed account that blends passive strategies to create a portfolio that is well diversified and cost efficient. The Fund seeks to deliver an investment return in excess of RBA Cash Rate plus 1.5% p.a. over a rolling 3-year period after fees.


2025  January | February | March
2024  January | February | March | April |May | June | July | August  | September | October | November | December
2023  June| July | August | September | October | November | December


Designed for investors who seek stable, regular income from low volatility assets but with some exposure to the share market and are focussed on capital preservation and are prepared to forego the potential of higher returns for lower volatility and the preservation of capital.


Active – The portfolio aims to utilise AZ Sestante’s portfolio construction capabilities and invest in high quality asset investments with around 70% exposure to income assets (such as cash and fixed interest), and around 30% exposure to growth assets (such as shares, property, infrastructure and alternative assets). This approach aims to provide enhanced diversification and improve risk-adjusted returns.


The Fund is highly diversified across asset classes, investment styles, markets and investment managers. This level of diversification is designed to reduce risk, protect the Fund against market volatility and achieve consistent returns throughout market cycles. Overseen by a skilled and dedicated investment committee, the Fund provides access to a blend of high calibre underlying managers, each with different approaches, investment styles and expertise.


  • Enhanced diversification – the Fund taps into the plethora of opportunities to be found across both active and passive strategies, tracing a broad range of asset classes, investment managers and geographies.
  • Improved risk-adjusted returns – accesses income assets (cash and fixed interest), growth assets (shares, property and infrastructure) and alternative assets with the aim of enhancing diversification and improving risk adjusted returns.
  • A strategic allocation – the Fund can be blended with other funds and investments to achieve the underlying desired asset allocation and risk profile.
  • Expert oversight – The Fund’s investments are continuously researched, assessed and monitored by the investment committee.

Investment Objective

Target RBA cash rate +1.5% per annum over a rolling 3-year period after fees.

Investment style


Stadard risk measure


Suggested time frame

3 years

Target returns

RBA Cash Rate +1.5% p.a.

Growth / Defensive Split

30% Growth / 70% Defensive